So if my life was a car, it'd be an unreliable old banger. And today, that old banger experienced one of the biggest [figurative] road humps to ever grace this universe!
Here's why:
(I'm a journalism student btw)
My interview just fell through
My other contracts have decided not to reply and
I realised I don't actually know what Thursday's question is about.
I also know that the 34 presentation I have to learn the answer to are a load of shite and the ones I'm asked are all down to luck - a commodity I have never had.
The review I've written is rubbish,
The Facebook group made for our course is just an excuse to scaremonger in the hope that other people will break down and make you look better.
We have a law assignment that was set on Boxing Day that I have no idea how to answer. I just got my friends present a few hours before her birthday meal, but I forgot a card to enclose the voucher in.
I still haven't packed to go back to uni tomorrow AND to top EVERYTHING off, I just got an email from our Housing Officer telling us that a bunch of thieves are going young targeting student properties.
I'm usually the best at LOLing but on this occasion, my talent is failing me. Can't think why...
I'm meant to organise work experience
And write a CV
And finish my textbook which I'm just over halfway through